Provisions of Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003 & their purposes

Q.  Match the documents under provisions of the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003 as per their purposes –

A) Macro-economic framework ------------------------------------ i) explains how the current policies are in conformity with sound fiscal management  principles and gives the rationale for any major deviation in key fiscal measures.
B) Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement ------------------------------- ii) contains an assessment of the growth prospects of the economy
C) Medium Term Fiscal Policy Statement ------------------------ iii) sets out three-year rolling targets for four  specific fiscal indicators in relation to GDP at market prices
D) Medium Term Expenditure Framework Statement -------- iv) provide a closer integration between budget and  the FRBM Statements.

- Published on 06 Aug 15

a. A-i; B-ii; C-iii; D-iv
b. A-ii; B-i; C-iii; D-iv
c. A-i; B-iii; C-iv; D-ii
d. A-iv; B-iii; C-i; D-ii

ANSWER: A-ii; B-i; C-iii; D-iv
Under provisions of the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003, documents in the List 1 are to be presented along with the Union Budget. Medium-term Expenditure Framework Statement is presented separately in the session next to the session in which Budget is presented, i.e. normally in the Monsoon Session.


  • M ABDUL BARRI   -Posted on 04 Jun 19
    Very useful
  • M ABDUL BARRI   -Posted on 04 Jun 19
    Very useful
  • Avlgour    -Posted on 20 Aug 16
    Want to know all possible MCQs relating to FRBM ACT 2003

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