Railways launches National Rail Plan 2030 website

Q.  Railways has launched the website of National Rail Plan for which year?
- Published on 09 Dec 16

a. National Rail Plan 2017
b. National Rail Plan 2016
c. National Rail Plan 2020
d. None of the above

ANSWER: None of the above
Railways launches National Rail Plan 2030 websiteIn a further move to take the Indian Railways at an advanced level, Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu in a programme held in Rail Bhawan on 8th Dec launched website of National Rail Plan, 2030.

The website can be accessed at http://www.nationalrailplan.in. This dedicated website for National Rail Plan (NRP, 2030) has been developed for all stakeholders to give their inputs for purposeful study as Railways’ planning cannot be done in isolation.

In order to provide long term perspective to planning for augmenting the railway network Ministry of Railways have decided to develop National Rail Plan (NRP 2030) in consultation with all the stakeholders including State Governments, public representatives and other relevant Central Ministries.

NRP-2030 will endeavour to harmonise and integrate the rail network with other modes of transport and create synergy for achieving seamless multi modal transportation network across the country.

Indian Railways needs to form a concrete plan about its doings in the coming 10-20 years. He said that after receiving ideas Railways will capture all the requirements from the different stakeholders.

Indian Railways- National Rail Plan 2030
  • The Indian Railway Network is a key component of the Country’s Transport System. Transporting
  • Presently Railway planning is presently not based on some integrated plan.
  • The network plan shall take into account connectivity to backward region.
  • It will also take up Congestion in the existing network and futuristic development of Industrial corridors.
  • Deficits in existing network are to be planned for removal.
  • National Rail Plan 2030 has been envisaged which shall not only take care of existing corridors but also the identification and development of new corridors & connections.

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