RBI has launched a portal to curb illegal money pooling by firms

Q.  RBI has launched a portal to curb illegal money pooling by firms called ___________.
- Published on 05 Aug 16

a. Sanchet.rbi.org.in
b. Sachet.rbi.org.in
c. Sanket.rbi.org.in
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Sanchet.rbi.org.in
To prevent illegal and unauthorised pooling of funds by firms, RBI launched a website called sachet.rbi.org.in which alerts people regarding entities allowed to collect deposits.
  • Portal will facilitate filing, tracking of complaints besides providing information about whether any particular entity is permitted to accept deposits and registered with the regulatory authority for the same.
  • Sachet means the Hindi word for later and will help regulators to assist members of the public.


  • Amal Kanti Mahajan   -Posted on 01 Nov 19
    I am a pension holder. I want to invest some amount. Where Wher ??e I i8nvest?}86

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