Reason SORTAREA SIZE & HASHAREASIZE parameters are ignored in some user sessions - Oracle Clusters

Q.  What is the reason that SORT_AREA SIZE and HASH_AREA_SIZE parameters are ignored in some of the user sessions?
- Published on 29 Jul 15

a. The User Global Area (UGA) is not configured
b. The sessions were started using the login name SYS
c. The sessions are running in the Automatic Shared Memory Management mode
d. The sessions are running in the automatic Program Global Area (PGA) memory management mode

ANSWER: The sessions are running in the Automatic Shared Memory Management mode


  • Nirja Shah   -Posted on 02 Sep 15
    - SORT_AREA_SIZE - It specifies (in bytes) the maximum amount of memory Oracle will use for a sort.
    - After the sort is complete, but before the rows are returned, Oracle releases all of the memory allocated for the sort, except the amount specified by the SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE parameter.
    - After the last row is returned, Oracle releases the remainder of the memory.

    - HASH_AREA_SIZE - It is relevant to parallel execution operations and to the query portion of DML or DDL statements.
    - It specifies the maximum amount of memory, in bytes, to be used for hash joins.

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