Relation between actual length & effective length to find crippling load

Q.  What is the relation between actual length and effective length while determining crippling load for a hollow rectangular cast iron column having both ends fixed?
(where L= actual length and Le =effective length)

- Published on 21 Sep 15

a. Le = L
b. Le = L/2
c. Le = 2L
d. Le = 4L

ANSWER: Le = L/2


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 25 Nov 15
    - Effective length is the distance between point of contra-flexure or inflexion along the length of column.

    - If the effective length of column is less, than it has high load carrying capacity and less danger of lateral buckling.

    - Crippling load in terms of effective length can be given as follows:

    Crippling load = (π2E I) / (Le)

    - The relation between actual length and effective length for different end conditions is given as follows:

    1) If both ends are hinged, Le = L

    2) If one end is fixed and other is free, Le = 2 L

    3) If both ends are fixed, Le = L / 2

    4) If one end is fixed and other end is hinged, Le = L /√2

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