Relation between worm speed & worm gear speed

Q.  Which of the following relations is true?
(where nw  = worm speed, ng  = worm gear speed, zg = number of teeth on worm gear, zw = number of starts on worm)

- Published on 23 Sep 15

a. nw α (1/zg)
b. nw / ng = zg /zw
c. nw / ng = zw /zp
d. nw zg = ng zw

ANSWER: nw / ng = zg /zw


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 01 Oct 15
    • Speed ratio or gear ratio is the ratio of worm speed and worm gear speed. Gear ratio is also defined as the ratio of number of starts on worm and number of teeth on worm gear.
    G = nw / ng or G = zg / zw

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