Report on roadmap to double farmers income by 2020 to be released: GoI

Q.  Report on the roadmap to double farmers income by 2020 incorporates e-NAM. What does e-NAM stand for?
- Published on 01 Aug 16

a. Electronic National Agrarian Market
b. Electronic National Agricultural Market
c. Electronic New Agricultural Market
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Electronic National Agricultural Market
An inter-ministerial panel mandated to recommend a roadmap to double farmer’s income by 2020 is set to be released in September. Highlighting measures to boost farm output and farmers income, more funds have been allocated under numerous schemes such as PMKSY and hence there are no provisions for a separate and distinct agriculture budget.
  • As regards e-NAM or electronic national agriculture market, 23 mandis in 8 states have been integrated and a total 200 mandis will be brought to online platform by September.
  • By 2020, the move is to double farmer’s income. An inter-ministerial committee was set up in April to study and recommend the doubling of income for farmers.
  • Broad mandate of the panel is to examine the current income level of farmers/agri labourers and measure the historical rate of the growth of current income level as well as assess the required growth rate to double the income of farmers.
  • The panel will recommend various strategies to be adopted to attain the target and also suggest an institutional mechanism to review and monitor the implementation of the realised goal.
  • Committee is a dynamic one and will be making recommendations from 2016 Kharif itself.
  • Ministry has held that to double farmers income from 2016-2017 to 2021-2022 in real terms, the desired compound annual growth rate will be much higher than attained so far
  • Government is also aiming to reorient the agricultural sector by shifting from pure production based to income based considerations for farmers.

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