Rollers in roller bearings

Q.  Which of the following elements is not used as a roller in roller bearings?
- Published on 19 Oct 15

a. Cylindrical
b. Taper
c. Spherical
d. None of the above

ANSWER: None of the above


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 01 Oct 15
    • Cylindrical bearings, taper roller bearings & spherical bearings have high radial load carrying capacity. All three can be used as a roller element in roller bearings.

    • Cylindrical bearings have high load transmitting capacity than ball bearing.

    • Conical rollers running on conical races are used in tapered roller bearings.

    • Relative motion of races causes rolling of roller elements. Earlier sets of logs were laid on ground with a large stone block on top as rolling-element bearings. Logs roll along the ground with friction when stone was pulled.

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