Saal Ek Shuruat Anek- Multi media exhibition held by government to showcase achievements in one year

Q.  Name the title of the Multi Media Exhibition inaugurated by the Union Finance Minister and Information and Broadcasting Minister Arun Jaitley on 25th May’15 highlighting the achievements of one year of NDA Government?
- Published on 17 May 15

a. Saal Ek Shuruat Anek
b. Saal Ek Poore Hue Vaade Anek
c. Saal Ek Vikas Anek
d. Saal Ek Uplabhdiya Anek

ANSWER: Saal Ek Shuruat Anek
Such events will be organised in all the 30 capitals and sixty cities during the next one month. He said, 345 mobile vans will be deployed for the campaign.

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