Satellite 4F2 moves over India

Q.  Satellite belonging to London based mobile satellite communication company moved over India. What is it called?
- Published on 19 Jul 16

a. 4D2
b. 4F2
c. 4C2
d. None of the above

Satellite belonging to London based mobile satellite communication company recently moved over India, above the Equator in the space travelling close to 4000 km over previous months.
  • 4F2 is one of the 12 satellites owned by Inmarsat fired from satellite control centre in London for the spacecraft to move from one slot to another.
  • Satellite weighing close to 6000 kg was built at a cost of USD 250 million and launched in 2005.
  • It was placed over Africa providing coverage to Africa and EU.
  • The decision to be moved was at the cost of USD 10 million and Inmarsat 4F2 joined a group of more than 80 satellites belonging to countries in the eastern longitude in the geostationary orbit.
  • Orbital slots are allotted to companies and nations by International Telecommunications Union, part of the UN headquartered in Switzerland.

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