Science & Technology - GS questions based on daily current affairs for Q. 19386

Q.  What are the symptoms of worm infection?

1) Severe Stomach Ache
2) Diarrhea
3) Loss of appetite

- Published on 10 Feb 16

a. 1, 3
b. 2, 3
c. 1, 2
d. All of the above

ANSWER: 1, 3
  • First National Deworming day was observed on 10th February 2016.
  • As a part of this programme Government aims to de-worm around 27 crore pre-school and school-age children this year.
  • The initiative will be carried out at schools and anganwadi centres . And aims at improving the children's overall health and quality of life.
  • Treatment of this infection is very simple, but most of the times, ignorance on the part of parents make situation worse. the poor strata of the society is the most affected.
  • Considering the severity of the situation, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is implementing the National Deworming Day in schools and preschools or anganwadis across the country.
  • worm infections are transmitted through the mouth by eating with dirty hands, eating contaminated food and drinking water that is not potable.
  • Besides medicine, worm infections can be prevented by using clean toilets, not walking barefoot, cleaning hands with soap and water before eating or handling food.
  • The tablet effective in combating worm infection is Albendazole tablets.

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