Scientists discover first record of fossil facial tumour in dinosaur

Q.  Scientists recorded the first facial tumour in a duck billed dinosaur called ______________.
- Published on 07 Jul 16

a. Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus
b. Delmatosaurus transsylvanicus
c. Celmatosaurus transsylvanicus
d. Velmatosaurus transsylvanicus

ANSWER: Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus
Scientists have discovered the first record of the fossil facial tumour in the jaw of a 69 million year old dwarf duck billed dinosaur called Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus.
  • This marks the first ever tumour described in fossil record and the first to be documented in a dwarf dinosaur
  • The hadrosaur fossil said to be 69 million years old was discovered in Romania in the Valley of Dinosaurs in Transylvania

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