Scientists explain why stars are stopped being created by galaxies

Q.  Scientists have finally explained that some galaxies cease star formation causing it to ________.
- Published on 11 Jul 16

a. parch
b. quench
c. bench
d. none of the above

ANSWER: quench
Scientists may finally have an explanation for why some galaxies stop creating stars after astrophysicists analysed 70,000 galaxies to understand the forces influencing star formation activity in them.
  • International research team led by University of California researchers sifted through available data from the COSMOS UltraVISTA survey providing accurate distance estimate for galaxies over past 11 billion years and focused on effects of external and internal processes influencing star creation in galaxies.
  • Processes that cause the galaxies to quench or cease star formation are not well understood and create an outstanding problem in studying the evolution of galaxies

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