Scientists identify new species of beaked whales

Q.  Scientists have identified a rare new species of beaked whales called karasu which are up to ___ metres in size.
- Published on 28 Jul 16

a. 7
b. 6
c. 5
d. 4

Scientists have identified a rare new species of beaked whales measuring up to 7 metres that range from northern Japan across the Pacific Ocean to Aleutian Islands in Alaska.
  • The enigmatic black whale has been called karasu, the Japanese word for raven.
  • The new species are darker in colour and 2/3 the size of the common Baird Beaked whale.
  • DNA analysis of 178 beaked whales from around the Pacific Rim found 8 known examples of the new species.
  • An earlier Japanese study had suggested black whales might represent a new species.

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