Scientists improve upon new camera technology for imaging speeds at 100 times faster

Q.  Scientists have improved camera technology that can image speeds at _______ times faster than commercial cameras.
- Published on 05 Jul 16

a. 100
b. 130
c. 140
d. 150

Scientists have improved upon a new camera technology that can image at speeds at 100 times faster than today’s commercial cameras and enable imaging of ultra- fast processes involve neutrons, stars and combustion.
  • New technology opens up fresh possibility for studying extremely fast processes such as chemical reactions, neuron firing, chemical reactions, fuel burning or chemicals exploding.
  • Researchers led by Lihong V Wang from Washington University previously developed a single shot compressed ultrafast photography camera capturing images at speeds of 100 billion frames per second in the single camera exposure fast enough to capture travelling light pulses.
  • This is the world’s fastest receive only camera indicating that it can use available light for imaging and does not require additional illumination from the laser or other light source.
  • New method improves the resolution and quality of images captured with CUP.
  • New method demonstrates that CUP upgrades through capture of a movie of picosecond laser pulse travelling through the air and also by pointing laser light onto a printout of a toy car to create a movie of the light reaching different portions of the car at different times
  • Researchers are interested in understanding how the brain’s neural networks operate.
  • Using a new camera with a microscope could allow scientists to watch neurons fire by capturing extremely fast chemical processes called action potentials that travel through an axon at speeds reaching more than 100m per second

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