Scientists uncover a bizarre Frankenstein galaxy 250 million light years away

Q.  Scientists have discovered a bizarre Frankenstein galaxy formed from parts of other galaxies. What is its name?
- Published on 13 Jul 16

a. UGC 1381
b. UGC 1382
c. UGC 1383
d. None of the above

Scientists have uncovered a bizarre Frankenstein galaxy formed from parts of other galaxies some 250 million light years away.
  • The new study showcases the secret of UGC 1382, a galaxy once thought to be old, small and typical.
  • Scientists using data from NASA telescopes and other observatories have discovered the galaxy is 10 times bigger than earlier thought.
  • Unlike most galaxies, its insides are younger than its outsides.
  • The rare galaxy formed is able to survive as it has been located in a small neighbourhood of the universe which is relatively isolated.

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