Seating Arrangement - Logical Reasoning (MCQ) Questions for Q. 28802

Q.  Read the following information to answer the given question.
  • There are seven monkeys sitting in a row -  Annie, Bonnie, Connie, Donnie, Earnie, Fernie and Genie.
  • Genie is to the right of Donnie and to the left of Bonnie.
  • Annie is on the right of Connie.
  • Annie and Donnie have one monkey between them.
  • Earnie and Bonnie have two monkeys between them.
  • Donnie and Fernie have two monkeys between them.
Who is on the second position from the left?

- Published on 07 Jul 17

a. Annie
b. Bonnie
c. Connie
d. Donnie

Genie is to the right of Donnie and to the left of Bonnie i.e. Donnie, Genie, Bonnie.

Annie is on the right of Connie i.e. Connie, Annie

Earnie and Bonnie have two monkeys between them i.e. Connie, Annie, Earnie, Donnie, Genie, Bonnie.

Since Donnie and Fernie have two monkeys between them, the sequence becomes –

Connie, Annie, Earnie, Donnie, Genie, Bonnie, Fernie.

Connie Annie Earnie Donnie Genie Bonnie Fernie

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