Selecting Words, Phrases & idioms - English (MCQ) for Bank, MBA, CAT, MAT, GMAT, SSC for Q. 20118

Q.  Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate words/phrases with reference to grammar, idioms, proverbs and syntax.

A stitch in time_______________

- Published on 11 Mar 16

a. Saves till nine
b. Saves none
c. Saves till eight
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Saves till nine
A stitch in time saves till nine- meaning a timely stitch can prevent the cloth from tearing for a long period of time. This phrase is used to explain why it is always better to choose proactive approach.

For example: As he had prepared for the exam well in advance, he discovered why a stitch in time saves till nine when he got good marks.

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