Selecting Words, Phrases & idioms - English (MCQ) for Bank, MBA, CAT, MAT, GMAT, SSC for Q. 20121

Q.  In the following question, an idiom or proverb has been underlined. Choose its correct meaning in the given context from the alternatives given below.

She realised there was no use crying over spilt milk when she saw the interviewer promising the job to someone else.

- Published on 11 Mar 16

a. She has spilt milk
b. She realised it was useless to worry about something which cannot be changed
c. She was worried over the spilt milk
d. None of the above

ANSWER: She realised it was useless to worry about something which cannot be changed
Just like milk cannot be put back into the vessel after it has spilled, similarly you cannot go back in time and change things which have not worked out for you. For example: Cursing yourself for not studying enough after getting bad marks in the exam is like crying over spilt milk.

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