Selecting Words, Phrases & idioms - English (MCQ) for Bank, MBA, CAT, MAT, GMAT, SSC for Q. 21538

Q.  Find the odd term from the given 4 options which does not belong to the group of remaining options.
- Published on 05 May 16

a. Vulture
b. Doves
c. Kingfishers
d. Kiwi

The correct option is (d) Kiwi.

Vulture, Doves and Kingfishers are the birds which have wings and can fly.
Pigeons or doves belong to the bird family Columbidae.
Smaller species are called as 'Dove' and larger ones are pigeons.
Kiwi is a flightless bird. Latin species name for “Kiwi' is Apteryx which means wingless.


  • INDRESH SK   -Posted on 19 Oct 16

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