Silk worm egg cold storage plant launched in Mysore

Q.  On 9th Feb’15, The Union Textiles Minister Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar inaugurated the newly built, state-of-the-art, high capacity silkworm egg cold storage plant at _______.
- Published on 24 Feb 15

a. Bareilly
b. Varanasi
c. Mysore
d. Kolhapur

ANSWER: Mysore
Up to 1.0 crore disease free layings (dfls) can be comfortably preserved in this plant. In effect, with this plant, the total storage capacity of the Mysore facility would go up to 1.5 crore dfls. Cold Storage Plants are indispensable in silkworm egg production system, principally to enable uninterrupted and continuous supply of basic and commercial silkworm seed.

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