Simple cells led to rise to complex life forms on earth: Scientists

Q.  What are single celled organisms called?
- Published on 20 Jun 16

a. Eukaryotic
b. Prokaryotic
c. Dekaryotic
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Eukaryotic
Cells leading to the rise of most complex forms of life on earth including multi-cellular organisms such as animals or plants, indicating result of growing intimacy between single celled relatives
  • First living beings on earth were single cell organisms- these were simple cells which during the course of evolution have rise to eukaryotes or cells with a nucleus
  • First eukaryote arose when prokaryotes joined forces.
  • Prokaryotes are single celled organisms lacking a cell nucleus
  • Researchers now hold that molecular machinery essential to eukaryotic life were borrowed
  • This proposal is associated with new genomic evidence associated with deep sea vents on the ocean floor.
  • Eukaryotic cells differ from that of single celled relatives, archaea and bacteria
  • Genome of the archaean known as Lokiarchaeum contain eukaryotic signature proteins than any other prokaryote
  • Genome of this organism is now primed for eukaryogenesis with the acquisition of key genes and lipids from a bacterial symbiont

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