Social media celeb Qandeel Baloch murdered

Q.  Which social media celeb became the latest victim of honour killing in Pakistan?
- Published on 18 Jul 16

a. Qandeel Khan
b. Qandeel Baloch
c. Qandeel Sharif
d. Qandeel Ali

ANSWER: Qandeel Baloch
Social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch became a victim of honour killing after being strangled to death by her brother in Multan, according to Pakistani media reports.
  • Baloch was known as the Kim Kardashian of Pakistan and posted provocative selfies on FB.
  • Her brother had threatened her for posting bold videos and statements on the social media site.
  • Number of honour killings has been on the rise in Pakistan. IN 2015, 1096 women and 88 men were victims of honour crimes, according to Independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.
  • Many cases also go unreported, activists said.
  • Those who kill for “honour” are never punished because an Islamic Shariah law allows families of the victim to forgive the killer and in most cases, this includes family.

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