Software characteristics - Introduction of Software Engineering

Q.  What are the characteristics of software?
- Published on 21 Jul 15

a. Software is developed or engineered; it is not manufactured in the classical sense.
b. Software doesn’t “ wear out ”.
c. Software can be custom built or custom build.
d. All mentioned above

ANSWER: All mentioned above


  • Amaechi james chigaemezu   -Posted on 10 Apr 17
    All mentioned above.
  • Nirja Shah   -Posted on 12 Oct 15
    - Software is developed or engineered; it is not manufactured in the classical sense
    -- Impacts the management of software projects

    - Software doesn't wear out
    -- Hardware bathtub curve compared to the software ascending spiked curve

    - Although the industry is moving toward component-based construction, most software continues to be custom built (it is still complex to build)

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