Software Project Planning first activity - Software Project Planning - Determination of software scope

Q.  What is the first activity in Software Project Planning?
- Published on 13 Aug 15

a. Determination of software scope
b. Determination of budget
c. Find out the team size
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Determination of software scope


  • Prajakta Pandit   -Posted on 24 Nov 15
    - Determination of software scope is the first activity in software project planning.

    - Software scope describes the functions and features that are to be delivered to the end users.

    - After the scope has been identified, two question are asked,

      - Can we build the software to meet this scope?
      - Is the project feasible?

    - Scope can be defined using two techniques, first, it is developed after communication with all stakeholders and secondly, a set of use cases is developed by end users.

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