Software Requirement Specification (SRS) - Specification of Black box testing

Q.  Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is also known as specification of _______.
- Published on 21 Jul 15

a. White box testing
b. Acceptance testing
c. Integrated testing
d. Black box testing

ANSWER: Black box testing


  • Nirja Shah   -Posted on 06 Oct 15
    - Requirements testing deals with validating the requirements given in the SRS of the software system.

    - All the requirements are not stated explicitly, they can either be implicit or explicit.

    - Explicit requirements are stated and documented as a part of the requirement specification.

    - Implied or implicit requirements are those that are not documented but assumed to be incorporated in the system.

    - The precondition for requirements testing is a detailed review of the requirements specification.

    - Requirements review ensures that they are consistent, correct, complete, and testable.

    - This process ensures that some implied requirements are converted and documented as explicit requirements, thereby bringing better clarity to requirements and making requirements based testing more effective.

    - Some organizations follow a variant of this method to bring some more details into requirements.

    - All explicit requirements (from SRS) and implied requirements (inferred by the test team) are collected and documented as "Test Requirements Specification"(TRS).

    - Requirements based testing can also be conducted based on such a TRS, as it captures the testers perspective as well.

    - However for simplicity, we should consider SRS and TRS to be one and the same.

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