Swapnil Dhopade wins Glocal Square 53rd National Challengers Chess C’ship on 27th Aug’15

Q.  Who clinched the title of Glocal Square 53rd National Challengers Chess C’ship on 27th Aug’15?
- Published on 01 Aug 15

a. Swapnil Dhopade
b. K. Praneeth Surya
c. Neelotpal Das
d. M.R. Venkatesh

ANSWER: Swapnil Dhopade
International Master Swapnil Dhopade from Indian Railways has clinched the title of the Glocal Square 53rd National Challengers Chess Championship which concluded in Nagpur. FIDE Master K. Praneeth Surya from Telangana secured the second position while Grand Master Murali Karthikeyan from Tamil Nadu had to be content with the third position.

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