Syllogism - Logical Reasoning (MCQ) Questions for Q. 29928

Q.  In the question given below consists of five or six statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument containing logically related statements that is, where the third statement is conclusion drawn from preceding two statements.

Statement - A. No apple is a door.
B. All poles are doors.
C. No pole is an apple.
D. Some poles are not apples.
E. Some apples are poles.
F. Some doors are not apples.

- Published on 08 May 17

a. women
b. ACB
c. BDA
d. DFA

ANSWER: women


  • Drew Cullen   -Posted on 03 May 22
    Something is surely wrong in this question. How can be answer a. women ?
    Its related to nothing. Correct answer would be b.ACB

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