Telangana government starts world's first IT program for differently abled

Q.  Which state government is set to start the world's first IT campus for differently abled persons?
- Published on 05 Dec 17

a. Andhra Pradesh
b. Karnataka
c. Kerala
d. None of the above

ANSWER: None of the above
Telangana government starts worldThe Telangana Government is going to set up the world's first Information and Technology (IT) Campus for differently-abled persons (divyangs) in state capital Hyderabad.

On the occasion of World Disability Day (WDD), state Government has signed agreement with Vindhya E-Infomedia Private Limited to set up IT campus to focus on creating employment opportunities for persons with disabilities (PWDs).

The proposed first of its kind differently-abled friendly campus will be set up in area of 10 acres near IT park developed by state Government near the Hyderabad international airport. The campus will have all amenities like Training, Delivery centres and Residential facility that will cater to various clients both domestic and International.

IT Campus for Differently Abled: Know More
  • The campus is expected to create 2000 jobs in next 5 years by providing required training and skills.
  • Telangana Government and Vindhya E-Infomedia Private Limited are looking at various corporates to participate in this one of its kind initiative and make world more inclusive.
  • Vindhya E-Infomedia Private Limited is pioneer in creating inclusive workspace with PWDs as its major workforce comprising physicalled challenged, visually impaired and hearing impaired.
  • It provides back office operations (BPO) support to various Telecom and e-commerce companies since 2006.

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