Time required to heat up metal in arc welding & gas welding - Manufacturing Processes - 1

Q.  As compared to the arc welding, the gas welding takes
- Published on 03 Aug 15

a. considerably less time for the metal to heat up
b. considerably more time for the metal to heat up
c. approximately same time for the metal to heat up as arc welding
d. unpredictable

ANSWER: considerably more time for the metal to heat up


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 02 Nov 15
    - Gas welding is an example of fusion welding.

    - In gas welding, fusion temperature is obtained by using flame produced by combustion of gases and metals being joined and filler rode are melted. Most common materials are welded by gas welding.

    - Whereas, in arc welding, fusion temperature is obtained by passing high amperage current through the metals connected to each other at joining point.

    - The time required to generate heat by combustion of gases is more than the time required to generate heat by passing high amperage electric current in arc welding.

    - Therefore, gas welding takes considerably more time for metal to heat up as compared to arc welding.

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