Times Higher Education University Rankings rates 9 Indian institutions among top 100

Q.  According to the Times Higher Education Asia University Ranking 2015, how many Indian universities / institutes have secured a position in the top 100 list?
- Published on 19 Jun 15

a. One
b. Five
c. Nine
d. Fifteen

India's progress has faltered and it has just nine top 100 universities, one fewer than last year. The IIT's of Roorkee, Bombay, Delhi, Kharagpur and Madras, besides Aligarh Muslim University and Jawaharlal Nehru University figure among the top 100, though their rankings have come down from last year. According to the Times Higher Education Asia University Ranking 2015, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore comes closest at 37th place and Punjab University at 38th position, down six places from last year.

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