Tri-Netra : Indian Railway’s accident alerting system

Q.  Indian Railways has developed an advanced system to reduce train accidents. What is it called?
- Published on 25 Nov 16

a. Tri-Netra
b. Eklavya
c. Tri- Jyoti
d. Tri-Shakti

ANSWER: Tri-Netra
Tri-Netra : Indian Railway’s accident alerting systemIndian railways will get an advanced system called Tri-Netra on trains to help lower train accidents by keeping record of track maintenance.

It will also provide better visibility during foggy days

The system is made of a high-resolution optical video camera, high-sensitivity infrared video camera and a radar-based terrain mapping system.

Tri-Netra is short for “terrain imaging for diesel drivers infrared, enhanced optical and radar assisted system”.

The system provides a locomotive pilot a proper view of up to one kilometre on a straight track, even during inclement weather
This helps in maintaining high speed in limited visibility and avoid delay in arrivals.

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