Tribes & region - Indian and World Geography

Q.  Match the following tribes with region

1. Hausa ---------------- i.SriLanka
2. Tartar --------------- ii.Nigeria
3. Vedda ---------------- iii. Malysia
4. Ainu ---------------- iv. Siberia
5. Semang ----------- v. Japan

- Published on 06 Jun 15

a. 1- ii, 2- v, 3-i, 4- iii ,5-iv
b. 1- iv, 2- v, 3-i, 4- ii ,5-iii
c. 1- v, 2- iv, 3-i, 4- ii , 5-iii
d. 1- ii, 2- iv, 3-i, 4- v ,5-iii

ANSWER: 1- ii, 2- iv, 3-i, 4- v ,5-iii

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