Types of rotary compressor

Q.  Which of the following is NOT a type of rotary compressor?
- Published on 16 Sep 15

a. Positive displacement type of compressor
b. Steady flow compressor
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above

ANSWER: None of the above


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 15 Oct 15
    The rotary compressors are broadly classified into two main types:

    1. Positive displacement type compressors: These compressors are of single stage blowers can produce pressure upto 2.5 bar with handling capacity ranging from 0.5 m3/min to 1500 m3/min. Root blower, vane type blower and screw compressor are the examples of positive displacement type compressors.

    2. Steady flow compressors: These compressors an produce pressure upto 4:1 per impeller and with number of impellers, the pressure ratio increases. Radial or centrifugal compressor and axial compressor are the examples of steady flow compressors.

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