Union Cabinet introduced labour law changes while approving textile package

Q.  Union Cabinet has approved labour law changes while approving a package for textile and apparel sector worth how much on June 22, 2016?
- Published on 23 Jun 16

a. INR 5000 crore
b. INR 6000 crore
c. INR 7000 crore
d. INR 8000 crore

ANSWER: INR 6000 crore
The Union Cabinet introduced labour law changes while approving a Rs 6,000-crore package for the textile and apparel sectors on June 22, 2016.
  • A key element is increase in overtime for workers which should not exceed 8 hours per week, translating into nearly 90 hours over three months.
  • The current norm allows only 50 hours of overtime in three months.
  • The government also announced a change in income tax laws to allow for deduction in case more permanent workers are hired by textile and garment units.

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