V$SESSIONWAIT - Definition - Oracle Schema

Q.  In Suspended Statements which view is used When a statement is suspended the session invoking the statement is put into a wait state. A row is inserted into this view for the session with the EVENT column containing "statement suspended, wait error to be cleared"?
- Published on 29 Jul 15

d. None of the above



  • Nirja Shah   -Posted on 28 Sep 15
    - The following views can be queried to obtain information about the status of resumable statements:

    1. DBA_RESUMABLE , USER_RESUMABLE - These views contain rows for all currently executing or suspended resumable statements.
    - They can be used by a DBA, AFTER SUSPEND trigger, or another session to monitor the progress of, or obtain specific information about, resumable statements.

    2. V$SESSION_WAIT - When a statement is suspended the session invoking the statement is put into a wait state.
    - A row is inserted into this view for the session with the EVENT column containing "statement suspended, wait error to be cleared".

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