Welding can join dissimilar materials

Q.  Which of the following statements is/are false?

1. Under fatigue load, casted structures are stronger than welded structures
2. Welding cannot produce complicated structures
3. Welding can join dissimilar materials
4. Rivetted joints produce light weight constructions as compared to welded joints

- Published on 14 Sep 15

a. Statement 1 and Statement 3
b. Statement 1, 2 and Statement 4
c. Statement 1, 2 and Statement 3
d. All the above statements are false

ANSWER: Statement 1, 2 and Statement 4


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 06 Nov 15
    - Welded structures are stronger than casting, under fatigue load.

    - Complicated structures can be produced by the process of welding.

    - Welding can join dissimilar materials. The materials should posses sufficient tensile strength and ductility which avoids failure of welding joints.

    - The transition zone between metals and inter-metallic compounds formed in this transition zone results in problems between dissimilar metals. If mutual solubility between two dissimilar metals is observed they can be welded successfully.

    - Riveted joints: This operation is carried out by joining two plates with help of a rivet. These joints are made strong and leak proof by applying adequate mechanical force. The rivet material used should be tough and ductile. These joints give heavy weight construction when compared with welded joints. The cost of these joints are more, as rivets are used. These joints cannot produce complicated structures.

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