What are machine tools? - Basic Mechanical Engineering

Q.  Which of the following statements is/are false for machine tools?

1. Pillar drilling machine drills holes up to 75 mm
2. Regulating wheel is a component of surface grinding machine
3. Sensitive drilling machine is also known as bench drilling machine
4. The chuck of an internal grinding machine placed in tailstock is driven by an electric motor

- Published on 02 Sep 15

a. Only 1
b. 2 and 4
c. 1 and 3
d. All of the above

ANSWER: 2 and 4


  • Sravanthi    -Posted on 12 Nov 15
    - Pillar drilling machine drills holes up to 75 mm. It has more rigid column and is used for medium duty works. Lead screw is used to control the up and down motion of the work table along the column.

    - Regulating wheel is a component of centre less grinding machine. These wheels are made of rubber-bonded abrasive materials which have frictional characteristics. It is used to rotate the workpiece and to give a axial movement or feed to workpiece past the grinding wheel. This axial movement is achieved by tilting the axis of regulating wheel by a small angle from the horizontal surface.

    - Sensitive drilling machine is also known as bench drilling machine. This method is used for light duty works and to drill holes up to 12.5 mm diameter.

    - Internal grinding machine consists of headstock, chuck, wheel hand and spindle. The chuck placed in headstock is driven by an electric motor. In this method, the workpiece is held in the chuck.

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