What is fatigue load?

Q.  The ratio of endurance strength and allowable stress is used to determine FOS for _____
- Published on 14 Sep 15

a. fatigue loading
b. static loading of brittle materials
c. static loading of ductile materials
d. all of the above

ANSWER: fatigue loading


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 29 Oct 15
    - Loads which vary in magnitude or direction with respect to time are called as fatigue loads.

    - Factor of safety is defined as the ratio of material strength and allowable stress. Material strength includes ultimate strength, or yield strength or endurance strength.

    - For brittle materials having static load, factor of safety is the ratio of ultimate strength and design stress.

    - For ductile materials having static load, factor of safety is the ratio of yield strength and design stress.

    - For fatigue load, factor of safety is the ratio of endurance limit and design stress.

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