What is Frame Check Sequence (FCS)?

Q.  What is Frame Check Sequence (FCS)?
- Published on 19 Oct 15

a. FCS is an error recovery process.
b. FCS is an upper layer data.
c. FCS is an error detecting code.
d. FCS is a communication protocol.

ANSWER: FCS is an error detecting code.


  • Prajakta Pandit   -Posted on 15 Oct 15

    - FCS (Frame Check Sequence) is an error-detecting code added to a frame in a communication protocol.

    - Frames are used to send upper-layer data from a source to destination.

    - FCS is not an error recovery process.

    How FCS used?

            - When data is transmitted in a frame, a specific FCS is added to the frame's data bits.

            - The source calculates this FCS prior to sending a frame, which is verified and compared at the destination.

            - If the FCS data matches, the transmission is considered successful. If not, the data frame is automatically discarded due to an error.

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