What is Indian Rhino Vision 2020 programme (IRV2020)?

Q.  IRV2020 is concerned with
- Published on 11 Jan 17

a. Universal healthcare
b. E-Governance
c. Rhinoceros
d. Vaccination

ANSWER: Rhinoceros
What is Indian Rhino Vision 2020 programme (IRV2020)?
  • Indian Rhino Vision 2020 programme (IRV2020), a collaborative effort between various organisations, including the

  • 1. International Rhino Foundation,
    2. Assam’s Forest Department,
    3. Bodoland Territorial Council,
    4. WWF-India, and
    5. The US Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • IRV2020 hopes to raise the number of rhinos in Assam to 3,000 by 2020.
  • It aims to spread them over seven of the state’s protected areas: Kaziranga, Pobitora, Orang national park, Manas national park, Laokhowa wildlife sanctuary, Burachapori wildlife sanctuary and Dibru Saikhowa wildlife sanctuary.
This will be achieved by adopting the following three-pronged strategy:

1. Enhance protection in the existing rhino-bearing areas.
2. Undertake range expansion through translocations to re-introduce rhinos in potential rhino habitats (Manas NP, Dibru Saikhowa WLS and Laokhowa–Bura Chapori WLS) from existing rhino bearing areas (Pobitora WLS and Kaziranga NP).
3. Secure and manage the habitats for rhinos.
  • Support is being provided in all the rhino-bearing areas of the state for enhancing security infrastructure and capacity-building of frontline forest staff.
  • To seek their support towards rhino conservation and making them aware about IRV2020 in the state, more than 25,000 villagers (including school children) have been reached out to in Manas and other rhino-bearing areas until now.
  • In partnership with local NGO’s and the State Agriculture Department, the livelihood options of the communities living on the fringes of the park are being developed by undertaking agriculture support programs.
  • A pilot programme to reduce fuelwood consumption has been undertaken by promoting the use of solar energy and energy-efficient chulhas in the villages around Manas National Park.

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