What is nominal diameter for coarse threads?

Q.  What is the approximate nominal diameter for coarse threads?
- Published on 14 Sep 15

a. d = 1.136 dc
b. d = 1.59 dc
c. d = 1.19 dc
d. d = 0.5 dc

ANSWER: d = 1.19 dc


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 04 Nov 15
    Coarse threads:

    - Coarse threads are stronger than fine threads. These threads offer less resistance and have less possibility of thread shearing and crushing.

    - Coarse threads apply less resistance during loosening or unscrewing. So these threads can be used where frequent assembly or disassembly of connecting parts is needed.

    - These threads are designated as 'M' which is followed by nominal diameter. For eg: M30

    - The approximate nominal diameter for coarse threads is given as d = 1.19 dc, here dc is the core diameter. This relation is used if dimensions of these threads are not specified.

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