What is parallel flow turbine?

Q.  __________ turbines are also called as parallel flow turbine.
- Published on 16 Sep 15

a. Radial flow
b. Axial flow
c. Both radial flow and axial flow
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Axial flow


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 12 Oct 15
    Reaction turbines are classified on the basis of direction of flow of water through the runner as follows:

    1. Radial flow turbine
    2. Axial flow turbine
    3. Mixed flow turbine

    Among these turbines, the axial flow turbine is also called as parallel flow turbine because the water enters and leaves the runner along the direction parallel to the axis of the shaft in axial flow turbine.

    In a radial flow turbine, the water flows along the radial direction of the runner. Therefore, it cannot be called as parallel flow turbine.

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