What is Rankine's constant for cast iron?

Q.  What is the value of Rankine's constant for cast iron?
- Published on 23 Sep 15

a. 1 / 750
b. 1 / 1600
c. 1 / 7500
d. 1 / 9000

ANSWER: 1 / 1600


  • yaseer   -Posted on 16 Dec 16
    good explaination
  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 25 Nov 15
    - Rankine-Gordon's formula is applicable for both short and long columns.

    - Rankine's formula is given as:

    R = (σc A ) / (1 + α [Le / K]2)

    Here, α is called as Rankine's constant, σc is the crushing stress.

    α = σc / (π2 E)

    The value of Rankine's constant for different materials having hinged ends is as follows:

    1) Cast iron = (1 / 1600)
    2) Wrought iron = (1 / 9000)
    3) Mild steel = (1 / 7500)
    4) Timber = (1 / 750)

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