What is the Saur Sujala Scheme?

Q.  Saur Sujala Scheme is related to
- Published on 13 Jan 17

a. Solar irrigation pumps
b. Solar cooker
c. Solar water heater
d. Electricity from solar power

ANSWER: Solar irrigation pumps
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Saur Sujala Yojana in Chhattisgarh that would provide solar powered irrigation pumps to farmers at a subsidized price.
  • Chhattisgarh would be the first state to implement the scheme.
  • Under the scheme, solar powered irrigation pumps of 3HP and 5HP capacity worth Rs 3.5 lakh and Rs 4.5 lakh respectively would be distributed to the farmers by March 31, 2019.
  • The beneficiaries would get the pumps at the subsidised price.
  • The scheme will be given priority in those areas where electricity connection has not reached yet.

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