What is thermal arrest?

Q.  The cooling curve formed when a material is solidified due to latent heat of fusion is called as ______.
- Published on 11 Sep 15

a. Undercooling
b. Solidification
c. Thermal arrest
d. Thermometry

ANSWER: Thermal arrest


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 20 Nov 15
    - The cooling curve formed when a material is solidified due to latent heat of fusion is called as thermal arrest.

    - Undercooling is defined as the temperature to which liquid metal cools down during nucleation below equilibrium freezing temperature.

    - The increase in temperature of an undercooled liquid metal which is caused due to liberation of heat during nucleation is called as recalescence.

    - Thermometry is a branch of physics which is concerned with temperature measurement and also with the use and design of thermometers or pyrometers.

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