What is Youth Parliament?

Q.  Which of the following is/are true regarding Youth Parliament?

1) UNESCO and National Commission for Child Rights recommended for starting of this scheme.
2) The ministry of Parliamentary Affairs provides necessary training related to the scheme.

- Published on 03 Mar 17

a. Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both 1 and 2
d. Neither 1 nor 2

ANSWER: Only 2
  • The scheme of Youth Parliament was started on the recommendation of the Fourth All India Whips Conference.

  • Its objectives are -

    1. To acquaint the younger generations with practices and procedures of Parliament.

    2. To imbibe the spirit of discipline and tolerance cultivating character in the minds of youth.

    3. To inculcate in the student community the basic values of democracy and to enable them to acquire a proper perspective on the functioning of democratic institutions.

  • The ministry of parliamentary affairs provides necessary training and encouragement to the states in introducing the scheme.

  • The idea of organizing “Youth Parliaments’ in educational institutions was conceived by the Fourth All India Whips Conference held at Bombay in 1962 which made, inter-alia, the following recommendation -

  • “This Committee recommends that Government should encourage holding of Mock Parliament in educational institutions and through Panchayats in rural areas.”

  • The scheme wishes to strengthen the roots of democracy, inculcate healthy habits of discipline, tolerance of views of others and to enable the student community to have better awareness about the working of Parliament.

  • The scheme gives financial assistance to the State Governments/Governments of Union Territories to organize similar competitions in their recognized schools.

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