What kind of task does MIME do in the SMTP protocol?

Q.  What kind of task does MIME do in the SMTP protocol?
- Published on 23 Sep 15

a. It only transfers the email and not receive them.
b. It transfers a message from the SMTP sender to the SMTP receiver over a TCP/IP.
c. It works under the Mail Transfer Agent (MAT).
d. It encodes the binary files and send.

ANSWER: It encodes the binary files and send.


  • Prajakta Pandit   -Posted on 19 Oct 15

    - MIME (Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an extension of the original Internet e-mail protocol which is used to exchange different kinds of data files on the Internet such as, audio, video, images, application programs etc.

    - All the manually composed and automated emails are transmitted through SMTP in MIME format. It encodes the binary files and send.

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