What New York Declaration has for refugees and migrants?

Q.  World leaders on 19th September adopted which declaration at the UNGA’s first summit for refugees and migrants?
- Published on 21 Sep 16

a. New York Declaration
b. Washington Declaration
c. London Declaration
d. Moscow Declaration

ANSWER: New York Declaration
What New York Declaration has for refugees and migrants?World leaders on 19th September 2016 adopted the New York Declaration at the opening of the United Nation’s General Assembly first ever Summit for Refugees and Migrants
  • Delegates adopted the landmark declaration issuing a solid commitment to address current issues and prepare the world for future challenges.
  • This includes starting negotiations and adoption of global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration in 2018

    Highlights of the declaration are as follows:

  • Protection of human rights of refugees and migrants regardless of status including the rights of women and girls ad promoting equal and meaningful participation in finding solutions
  • Ensure that refugee and migrant children are receiving education within a few months of the arrival
  • Prevent and respond to gender based violence
  • Support those countries, receiving and hosting numerous refugees and migrants
  • Work towards ending the practice of detaining children for the purpose of assessing the migration status
  • Find new homes for all refugees identified by Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees as needing resettlement
  • Increase opportunities for refugees or migrants to relocate other countries through labour mobility or education schemes
  • Strengthen global governance of migration by bringing the international organisation of migration into the UN system
  • Adopting the NY Declaration means more children can attend school, more workers can seek jobs and rights of refugees and migrants will be protected
  • Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary-General has launched a new campaign called Together – Respect, Safety and Dignity for All to respond to rising xenophobia and turn fear into hope.

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