Where has India’s first Reverse Vendor been set up?

Q.  India’s first Reverse Vendor Machine has been setup in
- Published on 23 Dec 16

a. Chennai
b. Mumbai
c. Bengaluru
d. New Delhi

ANSWER: New Delhi
  • One ‘Reverse Vendor Machine’ set up by New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) at Gate No.2, Palika Market, New Delhi was also launched today.
  • When a plastic bottle is dropped into this machine, it gives a receipt of credit of up to one rupee.
  • A waste recipient bin cum kiosk is the latest innovative technology which will act as a waste receptacle recycling bottles and cans. Anyone can drop a plastic bottle in it and get attractive coupons and prizes in return.
  • The aim is to promote recycling of waste material, behavioral attitude and change of mind set.
  • NDMC is setting up 20 such machines which help in preventing littering of plastic bottles.

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